February 2, 2010

Numbers 5-7

Numbers 5-7

About the Reading:

We learn today about some more punishments for wrong doings.  Namely restitutions for wrongdoings and unfaithfulness of a wife. 

We also read about the Dedication of the Tabernacle

My Thoughts and Notes:

Is it any surprise that I honed in on today's reading with the test for an unfaithful wife?  I mean, it's not because I am unfaithful, but I am a wife!  For me, it's an interesting "test" to see if the wife has been unfaithful.  I can just imagine the fear a woman would have going through this process back then.

What part got your most interest today?

1 comment:

  1. My first thought was concerning the practice of sending 'unclean' people away. Do you realize that if a teenager had a bad case of acne they'd have to go outside the camp until they got over it? Yeah. I know that the laws of cleanliness were to protect the masses from diseases, but, for real? According to today's standards, it seems a little cruel. Glad I live in a day of modern medical practices and Grace, which sets s free from the constraints of the law. Thank you Jesus for paying the price once and for all!


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