February 1, 2010

Numbers 3-4

Numbers 3-4

About the Reading:

Today we read about the Levites.  This is the clan that, from yesterday’s reading, it was apparent that they were to be held in a higher esteem.  The Levites are chosen by God.

My Thoughts and Notes:

First, I would like to point out that I have updated the sidebar to show this month’s calendar. 

Is everyone still with me?  Is there anyone hiding in the back ground there lurking and reading but not participating?  That’s okay.  I want you to be comfortable being here.  You don’t need to comment on the posts, but it’s be great if you would just pop up and say hi!

Now, onto my thoughts on today’s reading:

God chose the Levites to stand out among the other clans.  Why?  Has it been made apparent to us?  Or is this just another of the mysteries that is held for God’s knowledge? 

I have found myself, while reading these books of the Pentateuch, somewhat bored and somewhat fascinated as we learn about the early beginning.  Reading the ancestral lines…boring?  Yes, but also somewhat fascinating at the same time.

The same goes for the laws in setting up the Traditions of the Church and the other laws put into place.

I find myself somewhat struggling through the readings, but at the same time intrigued as my mind tries to picture and imagine what times were like back then. 

Anyone else have the same thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Here we continue to see God's organization of His temple, His people, and ultimately His church. Like you, Jen, I often have trouble reading the genealogy, and God's setting up the people for worshiping Him, but there are a few gems thrown in here and there that make the drudgery worth it all. Besides, God is telling us something here, or He wouldn't have included it in His word. What I am gleaning out of this is that worshiping and obeying God, even now, is serious business, and not to be taken lightly.


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