January 31, 2010

Numbers 1-2

Numbers 1-2

About the Book:

Here we are in the fourth book of the Pentateuch.  Can we guess that there is more reading that will be laws, rules, and really the foundations to our beliefs?

About the Reading:

Today we read about the census, numbers of people (hm, see a connection to the title of this book?), and how God arranges them to camp.

My Thoughts and Notes:

First, let me say that I am getting back on track.  I have somewhat caught up on the reading, where somewhat means I have skimmed it over and gotten the general idea and I haven’t updated the past posts to reflect it.

I don’t know that I will get to that part of it; I hope my lack of reading did not result in your lack of reading.

Now, onto a new book!

I know there is nothing in here but coincidence, but did you find it funny that we are reading (Numbers 1:18):

and on the first day of the second month they mustered the whole community.  The Israelites established their pedigrees by clans and families, and one by one the names of all men of twenty years and over were recoded.

Here we are just the day before the second month reading this passage.  Not only that, but we are looking at the US census beginning as well.  The coincidence has not been lost on me.

Interesting to me, again, that people were joined and yet separated by God.  Certain clans were to be camped in specific order.  For lack of other words (and really a bad term) separate but equal comes to mind.

Through many of the training workshops I present, I have iterated to so many preschool teachers that it’s okay for children to not all be friends.  They must all be respectful and friendly to each other.  However, it’s only natural that we split into our own groups.  This reading, to me, verifies it. 

Am I reading something wrong?  Is that not what this is saying?

1 comment:

  1. I think it shows the importance of family. It also show us that God is very organized. HE does nothing haphazard. From creation, where the stars do not collide with on another, to sorting the families of the children of Israel and putting them in specific places for the journey. hmmmm Do you suppose this means that WE should also be organized? If so, I am greatly lacking in this skill. Something to work on.


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