January 29, 2010

Leviticus 19-22

Leviticus 19-22

About the Reading:

Okay, if you have fallen behind like me, you may have to go back a few days to catch up.  I’ll go back and fix the posts I missed this weekend.  For today, however, let’s look at the reading.

Mostly, today, we read more rules, these highlight relationships and sexual relationships.

My Thoughts and Notes:

How is it that I come back to this reading?  It amazes me, however, how so many of the things that our society now has just accepted to be the norm, are spelled out here to be sins.

When I read these things, I see how for our society has strayed.  It’s sad, isn’t it?

And it makes our struggle so much more.  Sometimes I wonder if/when we have children how I will make sure that they grow in the way God wants them to grow and protect them from the sins around.


  1. I agree, Jenni. Many of the things listed as perversions and sin, are just accepted as 'the way things are'. I often wonder, just how wicked WAS the world when God destroyed it in the days of Noah, or how bas were S & G when God destroyed them? Because I cannot imagine things being worse than they are now. At the same time, I am glad God is patient with the world because there are many I care deeply about that are lost and I want them to have every opportunity to find God.

  2. I agree with you and Ida this world has drifted away into turmoil! From many things I have read and lectures I listen to from Bishops, Priests and Nuns has enlightend me as to how our world has is slipping away from us. It boils down to Satan. Satan knows he cannot be God or beat God in a battle so Satan has found other ways to hurt God by corrupting his Children by sins. Satan thrives on chaos and confusion. When our society makes laws and tries to play God by human cloning, abortion and euthnasia that causes confusion in our hearts and minds. There are people in all sectors of our society that are “Word Smiths”. Meaning they get paid to make up things like it’s a woman’s right to choose. We as Christians have to ask choose what? Choose Death of your unborn child! Choose to play God! Choose to commit murder! Now if words were used there would be a different look on Abortion for example. God has “NO GRAY AREAS” it is we human beings who make “GRAY AREAS”. God has given us free will and a set of commandments to follow not to pick and choose which ones we want to follow like we are eating at a buffet. We are all born with original sin hence that is why we get baptized. Satan is not stupid he was one of Gods smartest Angels before he got banished to hell. So we must never under estimate him. We all have to deal with Atheists and the like who say there is no God and no Heaven so just go all out and do anything you want because when you die your dead that is it. There are many groups in our Country who hate Christianity and are trying to destroy it. By forcing business and schools to take Christ out of Christmas and enforce happy holidays instead. “Jesus is the reason for the season”. These same groups were successful at taking the pledge of allegiance out of schools why because it said God and people who come here from other countries got offended!! As a former Marine that really sets me off. I was on the front lines protecting this Country for 9 years and find it disgraceful that we have to change our laws so we don’t offend some guy from overseas. News flash when I was in stationed in Japan they did not change the laws for all the American Military stationed there. I have mentioned this before but will mention it again because it bears repeating. As many of you know the Catholic Church is against all forms of artificial birth control because you’re playing God and also giving the green light saying go ahead have sex with whoever and whenever. A recent study was published by a Natural Family Planning a Catholic Organization that helps women not have abortions and those women who can’t get pregnant find natural ways to conceive. This study was done in the countries where Aids is the worst Africa being the top one. The condom makers give out all kinds of condoms in Africa and wonder why more and more people are still getting Aids? It was found that by having access to as many condoms as they can use they have more promiscuous sex and that the condoms don’t live up to the hype on the boxes. Also because of artificial contraception use in Europe the native Europeans are not having children like they used to. However the Muslims that live in many European Countries now so the Muslims population is growing by leaps and bounds. We can all pretty much say Muslims hate and persecute Christians every to this day just look at Israel and what they did to Daniel Pearl. Truthfully the American Government has fallen asleep at the wheel. Back when my grandparents were growing up America was a God fearing country and there were morals people went to Church on Sunday’s and had a real sit down at the table with family and friends and actually talked face to face. Our Government promotes a culture of death and immorality that is the norm now.


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