January 22, 2010

Exodus 35-40

Exodus 35-40

About the Reading:

Simply put, this reading is about the Israelites completing the building of the sanctuary as God ordered.

My thoughts and notes:

Simply put, it is interesting, this reading, as there are so many things that I can relate my experiences in our Church. 

How about you?

1 comment:

  1. And so the Israelites have left Egypt and are on their way to the Promise Land. Little do they know that this journey of about 50 miles (yeah, that's all it was) would take them 40 years. God performed miracle after miracle and provided everything the Israelites needed, yet they whined and rebelled from day 1. Oh, they were quite often obedient; for a time, but then they slipped away again. Oh, how this sounds like my life. Thank you, Lord God on high that you are so willing to forgive me every time I slip up, and/or rebel.


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